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Get Involved

Community Events Calendar

Do you have an upcoming show, workshop series, or activity that you want to get the word out on? We want to help advertise you events, workshops, and other special activities on our community events calendar! 

There are no fees to submit your events, but we ask that you limit your submissions to arts and culture related activities.

Monthly Newsletter

If you have an event, project, or other news you'd like to share in the newsletter, reach out! There is no fee to submitting information to the newsletter, but there is no 100% grantee it will make the edition.​ Here are some things that we include in the newsletter:






If you're not already subscribed, please consider signing up to stay in the loop with all of the events and opportunities.


  • upcoming projects

  • work or volunteer opportunities

  • ​upcoming events

  • other relevant news

Mentoring and Experience

The Indigenous Resurgence Project has multiple opportunities to get involved in the local arts community, from small-scale workshops to large exhibitions.  It is our goal to help give experiential opportunities to Indigenous people in the arts sector through supportive mentorship. 


We are looking for people who would be interested in helping to build their personal skills up through opportunities with the project. Below are some areas that the project needs support and also offers educational and experiential return:

Event Volunteers

We are always looking for event volunteers who are willing to share a bit of their time with the setup and organization of some of the events and exhibitions. There is some mentorship opportunity here, but event volunteering is usually by a date-to-date basis.

Workshop Mentorship and Facilitation

The Indigenous Resurgence Project aims to facilitate workshops for emerging artists, and there are mentorship opportunities for these workshops that would pay by an honorarium or in-kind donation for your time. 

Article Writing Mentorship

The Indigenous Resurgence Project will have a blog where artist interviews, guides, and other news will be posted. There is an opportunity for article writing mentorship that will pay by honorarium per article.

Leather Workshop

All Indigenous artists, collectives, and organizations can submit an event or listing at no cost.

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